Our legal service offerings

Some concerning statistics have shown that 5 500 credit related disputes were logged with the Credit Ombud in the past year that could not be resolved outside of court. 48% of all properties sold are to first time home owners, who do not understand what financial implications there are except for the bond. The most troublesome is the fact that South Africa has an average of 21 998 divorces per year and that the CCMA handles 13 000 new cases every month.

For these exact reasons, your client would need assistance from a legal advisor when they are exposed to legal matters or procedures that they do not fully understand. They need to be empowered with knowledge of their legal rights; but should not have to pay the hefty fees from lawyers for this basic understanding.

Credit Legal Matters

This advice will include an explanation of terms on the subscribers’ credit report on how to improve their Credit Bureau standing. Legal Eagle services offer the MaxLaw Legal Eagle subscriber 2 FREE credit reports per year.

Civil Matters

These cases relate to where the wrongful party needs to compensate the victim for his / her loss, injury or damage to property including contractual matters and disputes with neighbours. Further advice from the MaxLaw lawyers and attorneys will also include delictual matters where the subscriber to the Legal Eagle service is the wrongful party that committed the wrongdoing or crime.

Matrimonial Matters

These cases relate to issues or disputes arising between two parties who are married who want to pursue an uncontested divorce procedure or a child support matter.

Administrative Matters

Advice of these matters will cover the planning of the subscribers’ estate (assets like money, property or other valuables like jewellery) and their will and testament.

Labour Matters

These cases refer to where an employer and employee cannot reach a mutual agreement or understanding and include unfair dismissal or retrenchment, interpretation of employment contract terms, unpaid wages or leave related problems, CCMA matters, UIF claim procedures, disciplinary proceedings or matters relating to injury on duty cases. MaxLaw’s qualified attorneys and lawyers will assist the subscriber in understanding their rights and responsibilities as to that of the employer.

Criminal Proceedings

These matters refer to cases where advice is needed about bail applications, parole matters or procedures to follow when a subscriber, or their direct family members, receive a summons for a traffic fine. Culpable homicide matters where the subscribers’ actions resulted in another persons’ death, but it was not murder, will also be advised upon.

Personal Injury Matters

Advice in cases where the MaxLaw subscriber or his / her direct family members were either in a car accident and were hurt in the process or where they lost quality of life as a result of a doctor or surgeon treating them with the incorrect process, procedure or medication.

Property Law

Advice on cases to assist subscribers with the full understanding what an offer to purchase (abreviated as an OTP) means as well as fair lease agreements and the full understanding of the terms relating to property leases.